Best Tips In Pregnant Days – Doctors Advice

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                             Best Tips In Pregnant Days – Doctors Advice

A physical diet would be advantage for you and your baby even before pregnant. How to gain good healthy diet is most important.
Pregnancy is the time everybody advises to eat more, It is true that requirements of your body increases during pregnancy therefore you should eat well.

It is not advised to ravineon food. Maintain proper diet that keeps both you and your baby well.
Pregnant woman need to make sure that diet should provides rich nutrition, energy, proteins and vitamins for her baby to grow. Consuming wide mix of fruits and vegetables.
Surveys shows that woman body mass index is between 18 to 24 and should gain from 26 to 35 pounds during 9 months period, over weight woman should be between 15 to 25 pounds.

Below are couple of Do’s and Dont’s for managing diet(not extreme)


Fruits & Vegetables:- Pregnant women should take 5 times of fruits and vegetables per day. Eating fruits and vegetables is better than drinking juice
Carbohydrate:- Potatoes, rice, pasta and bread
Proteins:- Fish, lean meat or chicken and eggs. For Vegetarians – Beans,Nuts, seeds and nut butters contains good protein.
Fats:- Should not be more than 30% of a pregnant woman’s daily calories.
Having seafood decreases eager during pregnancy time.


Raw meat: should not consume uncooked, raw meat and seafood like sushi.
Raw eggs: Stop avoid food contain raw egg Like homemade ice cream & custards
Liver:  It is a rich source of iron and contains Vitamin A which can be harmful to the baby
Unprocessed milk and juices:  Unprocessed raw milk and juices stored for a long time should be avoided.
Alcohol: alcohol during pregnancy may cause birth defects and abnormal.

All above them one more important point to keep in mind is Regular health checkups and doctor suggested medicines.
By practicing above till the time your baby comes to the new world can lead to a healthy and problem free pregnancy.

Tags:Pregnant,Pregnant tips,How to care on Pregnant Days,Healthy food for Pregnant,Womens care,Pregnant care,Pregnant baby care tips,Healthy Tips,Best Healthy Tips,Latest Healthy Tips,Doctors Advice,Skin care tips,Beauty Tips,Raw Beauty Tips


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