6 Home Remedies To Cure Appendicitis

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              6 Home Remedies To Cure Appendicitis

1. Consume One Table Spoon of green grams thrice in daily basis.It will support to treat for appendicitis.

2. Consume seeds of fenugreek prepare tea by use of one table spoon and  boil fenugreeek seeds in one liter of water and boil till the 75% water boil.

3. Butter milk use daily drink will cure appendicitis.Normally take 1 liter of buttermilk daily will be better.

4. Beet juice and carrot juice and cucumber juice are best home remedy for appendicitis.Every four hours one juice is good to cure appendicitis.

5. Basil is natural and best remedy for appedix pains.Basil hot water or direct use also cure appendicitis.When appendix with fever basil gives good cure.

6. Turmeric is the anti-inflammatory properties reduce the level of appendicitis pain.Raw combination of powdered ginger and turmeric powder gives the natural cure of appendicitis.

Tags:Appendicitis,Appendicitis cure.Remedies for Appendicitis,Appendicitis cure tips,Health tips,Ehealthy tips


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