Advantages Of Bitter Gourd (Karela)

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Advantages Of Bitter Gourd (Karela)
Ø  Bitter Gourd is ideal food for diabetic patients as it lowers the blood glucose because of the presence of a chemical called Charatin. Bitter Gourd acts on each and every organ where it tear gets in reducing body metabolism and helps one to stay healthy. Consuming Biter Gourd juice early morning on empty stomach lowers blood glucose thus reduces sugar levels.
Ø  It has several properties like blood purifying where it purifies the blood in order to get rid of blood boils and itching due to poisoning of blood.
Ø  Consumption of Bitter Gourd juice daily prevents constipation making digestive system healthy as it is rich in fiber. It is helpful in stimulating the secretion of gastric juices where it prevents dyspepsia. Avoid taking this juice in case you suffer with heart burn and ulcers.
Ø  Bitter Gourd can be added in daily diet, those who wants to lose weight as it helps in stimulating liver for excretion of bile juices where it plays a vital role in metabolism and burning fats.
Ø  The people who suffer with piles may consume juice of Bitter Gourd in order to get rid of piles, if unable to take it directly, then blend the juice of Bitter Gourd and butter milk and take it in empty stomach. For a month, if necessary make the paste of roots of bitter gourd and apply on the affected area to see better results in a month.
Ø  In case of hangover, bitter gourd is very effective in treating this.
Ø  Early stages of cholera can be treated with fresh juice that is extracted from bitter gourd leaves.
Ø  Consuming Bitter gourd juice daily helps fighting disease in order to make immune system healthy where it results in building up resistance power.
Ø  Bitter Gourd is rich in beta-carotene, where it helps in mitigate eye problems and helps in improving eye sight.
Health Benefits Of Bitter Gourd
Ø  Bitter Gourd is a traditional medicine which is used from ancient times in treating diabetes in the form of juice which is extracted from leaves ,roots and fruits. It is consumed in the form of tea, juice, extracts and pills. Though these products are proven promising health benefits, the manufacturers unable to offer scientifically proven results where it acts on organs.
Ø  Where in recent times researchers started developing the medicine in which the proportion to take and recommended dosage for each and every patient who are suffering with diabetes.
Proven Results Of Bitter Gourd In Lowering Blood Glucose Levels
Bitter Gourd treatment proved highly effective when the researchers tried it on the mice or rats in the laboratory, show the results of lowering blood glucose levels. Bitter Gourd not only targets one organ or tissue rather it shows its effects on glucose metabolism through out the body.
Bitter Gourd Effects On Lowering Dietary Carbohydrate Digestion
The metabolism of glucose starts in gut, metabolism of carbohydrates and sugars to glucose before it is transported from gut to the blood. The amount of glucose which is released into body by inhibiting enzymes that breakdown to monosaccharide, this process is reduced by bitter gourd. Glucose transport is reduced by bitter gourd where it results influence the transport channels .High blood sugar levels in both Type-1 and type-2 diabetes, can be treated with the juice of bitter gourd.
Insulin From Bitter Gourd Discovered
Pancreas plays a major role in secreting insulin into the blood. Insulin also helps to stop the blood glucose level that is released into blood. In type-1 diabetes insulin is dependent on pancreas where the major part in type-1 diabetes is pancreas. The molecule which resembles to insulin is found in bitter gourd. Though it cannot completely replace insulin, number of insulin injections are reduced with the help of bitter gourd.
Bitter Gourd Helps In Reversing Insulin Resistance
Type-2 diabetes is controlled by bitter gourd where type-2 diabetes is insulin independent or adult onset diabetes. The people who are overweight or inactive, usually affected by this type of diabetes. People who suffer with type-2 diabetes, are advised to increase their physical activity and few changes in their diet helps in maintaining sugar levels without taking drugs.
Diabetic Complications Are Restricted By Bitter Gourd
Type I and Type II diabetes leads to risk of high sugar concentration levels where as a result it leads to risk of inflammation and oxidation through out the body and they are pointed to blindness, diabetic feet, kidney disease, stroke and also leads to heart attacks. Bitter gourd which is rich in anti oxidants helps in preventing the above mentioned complications, So consuming bitter gourd juice daily advantageous to diabetic patients.
Bitter Gourd Used In Treating Over Weight And Cancer
The diabetic people often face the risk of over weight during their treatment. Type II diabetes is always most favorable to hypertension where as a result it leads to the over weight by increasing of high plasma cholesterol or high plasma lipids. Bitter gourd helps in treating Type II diabetic patients who are over weight as it is proved that bitter gourd plays a major role in reducing weight when it is tried on mice and rats. It also plays an effective role in treating Cancer.
Tags: Bitter Gourd,Bitter Gourd tips,Bitter Gourd advantages,Bitter Gourd health tips,Bitter Gourd health tips,Bitter Gourd health advantages,Bitter Gourd cure cancer,Health Tips,Beauty tips,Daily Healthy tips,ehealthytips,homeremedies,homeremediesplanet,Daily Health tips,weight loss tips,Weight Gain Tips,Healthcare tips


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