10 Home Remedies For Herpes

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10 Home Remedies For Herpes

Here is the simple Home Remedies for Herpes which is very common attack by HSV virus.By following these Home Remedies you can get good relief.Recommended to

follow without any changes in the procedure.

 1. Tea Tree Oil:

Well known fact is that Tea tree oil is commonly use for inflammatory,bacterial,viral,fungal anti-agent.For Herpes this oil is highly effect and recommended by the Ayurvedic experts.Tea Tree oil will help to heal herpes very quickly.While applying Tea Tree oil take the per-cautions like use cotton to avoid the spread out of herpes.There are Two methods using Tea Tree Oil

First Method :

Follow Ingredients:

    Tea tree oil – 1 to 2 drops
    Vegetable oil – 1 to 2 Table spoons
    Baby soap
    Sufficient Water


  •     Before start the process clean the hands with baby soap.
  •     Dry out the clean hands.
  •     Mix Tea Tree Oil and Vegetable oil.Later apply this mix with cotton on the sores while applying be careful spread out of the skin area.
  •     First time apply is bit difficult but later times it is pretty easy.Next time no need to mix vegetable oil in Tea tree oil.
  •     After apply on the skin wash your hands with baby soap.
  •     Leave the oil applied area until it will dry.
  •     Repeat this apply 3 times daily till cure herpes.

Second Method :

Follow Ingredients:

    Tea tree oil – 5-10 drops
    Vegetable oil – 15 Grams
    Myrrh Essential oil – 5 drops
    Geranium Essential oil – 5 drops
    Peppermint oil – 2 drops


  •     Clean the hands and mix the mention oils(tea tree oil, vegetable oil, peppermint oil, geranium,myrrh essential oils).
  •     Mix the oils well in glass bowl and apply on herpes areas on skin.
  •     Wait for 10min to dry the applied oil on skin.
  •     Apply this oil mixture 5 times daily until skin clear from herpes.

2. Licorice Root:

Licorice root is fast effect heal herpes.Initially it will stop the virus spreading on skin..Licorice root is act as anti-inflammatory.
Licorice root is good relief from herpes.Mostly used in ayurvedic treatment is Licorice root.

First Method:

Follow Ingredients:

    licorice root herb – 2 table spoons
    Vegetable oil – 50 Grams

  •     Take licorice root and vegetable oil.Place into a closed jar.
  •     Let Licorice dip in vegetable oil.Leave this mix for 2 weeks in the closed jar.
  •     After 2 weeks take the mixed oil to a bottle.
  •     Now apply this oil on herpes.Apply this oil twice daily.
  •     After apply this oil leave for some time until it dry.
  •     Store this oil in cold store and apply this oil every day till get relief from Herpes.

Second Method:

Follow Ingredients:

    Licorice root powder – 1 tea spoon
    Water – 1/2 tea spoon


  •     Take a glass bowl and mix licorice root powder with water.
  •     Do this paste well and mix till smooth touch.
  •     Leave the paste for 30min and apply on effected areas.
  •     After 2 hours clean the applied area with cold water.
  •     Do the same process 3 times daily to get effective result of cure herpes.
  •     Using many times this mixture will be possible of side-effects so take care of skin care.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera plant itself holding many medical values and result to cure several skin problems.Aloe vera gel effect result in healing the herpes.In Ayurveda treatments highly consider this gel.

Also Aloe vera gel smooth the skin after cure from herpes.Here is the simple process to help to cure from herpes using Aloe Vera gel.

Follow Ingredients:

    Take fresh Aloe Vera Gel
    Baby soap


  •     Before start the wash your hands with baby soap and dry it.
  •     Now Apply the fresh Aloe Vera gel which took from the leafs.while apply the gel on herpes area do not use hand directly use cotton or ear buds.
  •     Dry the applied area for some time.
  •     Take cotton and dip into warm water and clean the applied dry area smoothly.
  •     Do the same process 3 times daily till get relief from herpes.

10 Home Remedies For Herpes01
4. Holy Basil

Indian Ayurvedic widely using Holy basil is also recommended remedy for herpes.Best anti-oxidant holi basil and it stop infection areas immediately.
First Method:

Follow Ingredients:

    Take Fresh basil leaves – 5 (OR) Basil Juice – 1 Table spoon
    Water – 1 cup

  •     Boil the water and add basil in it.Maintain the same for 5 minutes.
  •     Now stop boil and side the pan for 10min let it comedown to normal.
  •     Take this water into a Tea cup and have it.If you need any flavor add 1/2 tea Spoon honey in it.
  •     Follow the same 2 times daily for good result from herpes.

Second Method:

Follow Ingredient:

    Basil(Tulasi) leaves – 5 to 10


  •     Paste 5-10 basil leaves.
  •     Immediately apply this paste on herpes affected area.
  •     Leave the applied paste dry on the skin.
  •     Now clean the skin with water dipped cotton smoothly.
  •     Do this process every day till herpes clear.

5. Elderberry

Elderberry plant leaves,berries,Flowers are act as excellent anti- oxidants.Since long time these plant is using is remedies for cold,caugh,flu.
Elderberry very protect from HSV-1,2 viruses.Elderberry gather the affected cells with herpes and burst it slowly and stop spread the infection too.

Follow Ingredients:

    Dry elderberries – 1/2 cup
    Dried Echinacea – 2 table spoons
    Cinnamon Sticks – 3
    Dried ginger root – 1 table spoon
    Honey – 1/2 cup

  •     Add all the mixture with water in a pan and start heat it for 30min.
  •     While heat mix with need any additional water need mixture should be half of the originally added quantity.
  •     Use filter to separate the water mixture and raw.Now wait the water mixed come to cool and add honey to it.
  •     Take this syrup to a glass bottle and store in cool places.
  •     Have 1 tea spoon of this syrup every day till cure from herpes.It will increase immune system and protect the prevents from herpes viruses.

6. Garlic

Widely available in every kitchen herb is Garlic.For every anti-agents garlic is mandatory use from long time.Speed affect from the virus and kill the pain too.Raw garlic hold allicin-ajoene which is very effective to kill all the virus and fungul infections.Many ayurvedic people advised to add some raw garlic in regular meal will increase the resistance from viruses.

First Method:

Follow Ingredients:

    Take Garlic bulb – 1
    Boiling water – 1 liter
    Big Tub or plastic basin – 1


  •     Chop the garlic bulb and added these to hot water.
  •     leave it for sometime around 15-20min.
  •     Now cool the water to normal temperature.
  •     Shift this water to plastic basin and sit in this water for 15min to get some relief from herpes.
  •     Do the same process 3 times weekly for best result.

Second Method:

Follow Ingredients:

    Garlic cloves – 5
    Honey – 1 tea spoon


  •     Paste the garlic cloves and add honey to it.
  •     Have this mixture 2 tea spoons daily once.
  •     Store this mixture in cool store.
  •     Have this mixture till get good relief from herpes.

Third Method:

Follow Ingredient:

    Garlic clove – 5


  •     Paste the garlic clove.
  •     Apply this on affected areas and leave it 15min.
  •     After 15min clean the applied area to gently apply ice cubes to avoid the burning sensation.
  •     Do this process twice daily till herpes clear on skin.

Fourth Method:

Follow Ingredients:

    Garlic cloves – 5
    Olive oil – 1 cup


  •     Take the garlic cloves and crush it partial.
  •     Heat the olive oil in a pan and add crushed garlic.
  •     Leave the garlic till color change to brown.
  •     Now cool this garlic oil and apply on herpes affected areas.
  •     After that Wash the hands with warm water.
  •     Store this oil in a glass bottle and store in cool store.
  •     Do this process 3 times daily will cure from herpes.

7. Lemon Balm:

Lemon balm is a member of mint family and it resides the affective anti-viral act and bacterial protection too.Lemon balm will give the fast pain relief from herpes affected areas.Here is the simple recipes using Lemon balm.

First Method:

Follow Ingredients:

    Dry Lemon Balm leaves -2 tablespoons
    Boil Hot water – 2 cups

  •     Mix the lemon balm leaves in a bowl with boil hot water.
  •     Leave this mixture for 15min and it will come to room temperature.
  •     Filter the mixture water and raw separately and drink this tea.And apply the filtered raw mixture to affected herpes areas.
  •     After dry clean the skin with separated Lemon balm tea.
  •     Repeat this process 2 times every day till herpes cure.

Second Method:

Follow Ingredients:

    Take Fresh lemon balm leaves – 5 sprigs
    Olive oil – 2 cups
    Tiet closed glass jar – 1


  •     Add fresh lemon balm leaves in tiet closed glass jar.
  •     Now add Olive oil to the leaves and close the jar for 4 weeks.
  •     After 4 week store the oil in to a bottle from the closed Jar.
  •     Apply the oil on herpes affected areas on skin.
  •     Repeat the process until the herpes heal and comeout.Clean the skin with cotton.

8. Prunella Vulgaris

Prunella vulgaris is well known self heal herb.In china widely using herb is Prunella vulgaries.Natural cures are strictly add prunella vulgaris in herpes cure treatments.


Follow Ingredients:
    Dry Prunella vulgaris herb – 1 cup
    Olive oil – 1 cup
    Closed Glass Jar – 1


  •     Chop dry prunella vulgaris herb.
  •     Take the closed glass jar and add chopped dry prunella vulgaris with olive oil.
  •     prunella vulgaris should be dipped with olive oil.
  •     Close the jar and place near to sunny lights for 6 weeks.
  •     After 6 weeks apply this oil on herpes affected areas and round the skin near to herpes.
  •     Do this process daily till it heal-out herpes.

9. Goldenseal:

Goldenseal also called as yellow puccoon.Goldenseal act as healing agent from the fungus.University servey release press note that Goldenseal contain anti-cancer properties.Best herb in skin treatments especially virus infections.

First Method:

Follow Ingredients:

    Goldenseal Tincture


  •     In general goldenseal tincture will use with diluted form.
  •     Add some amount of water and dilute.
  •     Now apply this Dilute mix on affected skin areas.
  •     Simple repeat the same once in a day till infection cure.

Second Method :

Follow Ingredient:

    Goldenseal tincture


  •     Apply directly goldenseal tincture in previous used with water mix.
  •     Apply gently on the skin which affected herpes areas.
  •     After some time it will dry automatically.
  •     Do this process 3 times a day for good result from herpes pain.

Third Method:

For sensitive skin people here is the simple procedure.

Follow Ingredients:

    Goldenseal tincture – 5 drops
    Water – 1 cup


  •     Take one small glass bowl and stir water and goldenseal tincture.
  •     After is paste ready apply gently on herpes affected area.
  •     In 10-15min it will be dry naturally.
  •     Later do not wash while do bath it will clean.
  •     Do the same process daily to get rid of herpes.

10. Ice Pack

Ice pack is almost everyone follow remedy to get rid from pain and heal it quickly.Ice have own property to kill the virus affected cells.So better to try the following one.

Follow Ingredients:

    Square Ice Cubes (Small)
    Plastic bag

  •     Take the small ice cubes in a plastic bag.
  •     Role the ice cubes plastic bag in a thick cloth.
  •     Now place the rolled cloth on affected areas.
  •     Do this process 15min to get relief from the pain.
  •     Repeat this process multiple times for fast result from herpes cure.

Tags:herpes,Remedies for herpes cure,Home remedies for herpes cure,Best Home remedies for herpes,herpes virus,health care tips,ehealthy tips,Home remedies,Latest home remedies,Remedy for health,Weight loss tips,Weight Gain Tips,skin white tips,Daily healthcare tips.

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