7 Amazing Turmeric Works As Like Pharmaceutical Drugs

Home Remedies
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7 Amazing Turmeric Works As Like Pharmaceutical Drugs

A yellow colored powder which extracts from a plant seed works like pharmaceutical drugs. This amazing powder called Turmeric has been used from ancient days. More than 1Lakh of health issues can be amazingly cured by turmeric.

Turmeric mostly used to increase skin color and skin diseases as well as health problems. After a long research scientist approved turmeric has natural health curing elements. Turmeric is also the best nutritional supplement to the body.

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This common herb creates wonders by curing illness. Turmeric also increases the body resistance power to increase the healing. People also use turmeric as a facial product and it shows the best result.

Most of the medicine compositions which are causing health illness are having place for turmeric in their medicine. This made turmeric one of the major essence of the pharmaceutical products. Even now number of laboratories doing studies on turmeric to find more number of uses and more effective composition making with turmeric and all.

Anti aging property of turmeric more helpful in curing cancer and it can also used for cancer preventing medicines. Anti-oxidant property of turmeric useful to generate body resisting power increasing drugs as the main compound.

Turmeric usage in major pharmaceutical drugs,

  1. Anti-inflammatory

Turmeric is safer anti-inflammatory. In various experiments has proven the turmeric anti-inflammatory property. It is safe and good result oriented compound to add on pharmaceutical products. Unlike the drugs which effects like ulcer formation, white blood cells count decreasing and intestinal bleeding , anti-inflammatory property in the turmeric reduces all the side effects and avoid the toxicity which projects side effects in the body.

Turmeric is the best one which gives an effective treatment for inflammatory bowel disease. Officially scientist are approved by doing experiments on mouses. The information stated that anti0inflammatory property in the turmeric works better and it can add to pharmaceutical medicines.

  1. Aspirin or Blood thinner

Using painkiller like Aspirin can cause to damage the thin layer of the stomach. Even a small dosage can cause severe damage to the stomach and to the liver. Aspirin also promotes ulcer and unbalanced digestive system.

In case the damage cost severe it can cause to replace the part or lead to a surgery. Turmeric stops such damaging issues effectively . By taking turmeric as pain-relieving ingredients, it works effectively and better than Aspirin and other painkillers.

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  1. Steroid Hormones

Cortocosteroids are the major chemical classes which are included the steroid hormones that are produced in the vertebrates. Cortocosteroids are used in number of physiological processes such as high stress levels, low immunity, metabolism and low electrolyte levels.

Curcumins anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial property works much better that other Harmonie drugs to balance the PH levels and control the stress levels and other physiological problems.

  1. Atorvastatin

Atorvastatin manufactured and marketed by Pfizer with the trade mark of Lipitor. This drug used for prevention dosage for cardiovascular diseases. It cause dramatic reduction in LDL-C .

Drug dosage may cause severe damage to the stomatch and blodd cells.

It can araise the common problems like cough, dizziness, fever, itching, skin rashes and tightness in chest. There are few side effects which are unknow until it become severe like blood from nose, blurred vision, stomach burning and apetite increase. In these situation better to consult a doctor.

Turmeric with anti-bacterial property it can avoid such all problems without ant other side effects. Common and unknown side effects all can be cured by the turmeric. Limited quantity in equal portions can give the best result. A number of experiments have been shown the result when they try to find the best alternative for Atorvastatin and its relevant products.

  1. Metformin

Metformin is the drug used for oral diabetes. Especially for type-2 diabetes. In some cases it is used in the combination of other drugs. Curcumin is thousand times better that Metformin.

It acts to improve the glucose levels and maintains all diabetic causing elements in the body.

Even type-2 diabetes can also cure by turmeric.


7 Amazing Turmeric Works As Like Pharmaceutical Drugs

  1. Oxaliplatin

This drug used to cure Cancer. This is not meant for the normal cases and more this drug should take by the doctor suggestion only. But it has number of side effects majorly cause to severe health issues.

Before using this drug better to check the health condition and is there is any allergetic symptoms occur and any itching on the body, it is better to stop taking the drug.

Compare with this drug turmeric works better. Its anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties helps to control the spreading cancer causing cell in the body.

In the initial stage of cancer can be completely cured by using turmeric with associated elements. For other stages, it works like a stopper of cancer causing cells in the body.

  1. Fluoxetine and Imipramine

This drug is used to treat for the people who are in deep depression. Most common drugs using for the depression and mental imbalanced people. Before using this drug check the health condition of the person.

It is highly recommended to take when the health condition is perfect. Otherwise, it will lead to cause other side effects. More relevant and extreme situations can avoid by using this drug.

Turmeric plays a better role to avoid depression and mental stress problems.

Anti bacterial property of the turmeric helps to prevent from the all medical problems. Rather than using drug products to cure from the severe health problems, it is better to take a specific quantity of turmeric.

Most of the people are unaware of the results of the turmeric and the number of ways it can help to prevent from the health problems. This could be clear after knowing the facts which discussed. Prior precaution and proper curcumin quantity can avoid all the health issues. Its anti bacterial and anti inflammatory property can give better health condition.

Taking doctor advice for the dosage suggest able. It can take in a number of way, by adding in the recipes, milk and other foods.

 Tags:Turmeric,Turmeric benefits,Turmeric tips,Health tips,Ehealthy tips,Latest health tips,Skincare tips,Beauty Tips,Weightloss tips,Weightgain Tips,Diet Tips,Haircare Tips,Daily Health Tips,Home Remedies.

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