6 Home Remedies To Get Relief From Toothache

Home Remedies
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Best Natural home remedies to get relief from Toothache

Toothache is the common problem. Every one can face this problem in their life. Major causes of toothache are long time food stuck in between teeth, Bacteria formation and lack of tooth exercises, etc. In market number of products are available to get relief from toothache. But those products may lead to a number of side effects. To avoid such side effects, better to go with natural home remedies.

Here are few natural remedies to get rid of toothache,

  1. Ice cube Pack for Tooth relief

Ice cube are best one to swollen body parts and it can also swollen the nerves of tooth pulp. When applying ice cube pack on tooth nerves, it is swollen the nerves and give relief from the toothache. It can also rid from teeth gum problems.

All need to do this are,

ü  Ice cube or ice cube pack

ü  Clean white cloth or towel

Do the process:

  • Keep an ice cube in a towel or any cloth (white cloth can show the additional problems if any exists in the teeth like bleeding or blood blisters or white spots etc.)
  • Put it on tooth aching area closely. Better to avoid direct contact to the aching area to prevent severe aching after doing this process.
  • Keep it for a few minutes and remove from that area. Do the same procedure if sensitisation still exists.
  • Before doing this process better to check the present situation of the nerves. If the nerves are damaged or infection is more. Better to consult a doctor and do not do this process because it will increase the pain.

Tip: Well known acupuncture therapy, which mainly to identify the body parts nerves end points. Keep on pressing at the end points also gives the better result. This therapy is usually done by the experts. So better to go with an expert acupuncture doctor.

  1. Salt Water

Most common remedy and well known to all. Every one tries to use salt water to get relief from the toothache. Salt is the best ingredient for reducing teeth and gum problems. Few people even try to use salt for brushing. Salt reduces the swelling problems in the teeth. Salt can also rid of bacteria formed in the teeth and avoids tooth infections.

Required ingredients:

ü  Salt- 1tbsp

ü  Luke warm water – 1glass


  • Take lukewarm water and mix 1tbsp of salt.
  • Take the water into the mouth and swirl it around your teeth.
  • Do it for a few minutes and spit of the water.
  • Repeat the same process number of times as your comfort.
  • Do the same procedure regularly for avoiding toothache permanently.

6 Home Remedies To Get Relief From Toothache

  1. Pepper for toothache relief

The chili pepper is also one of the best ingredients to get relief from toothache. The capsaicin is the major element which presents in chili pepper. This capsaicin will help to get relief from toothache. Substance P is a chemical element released by the Capasaicin, it controls the pain signal to reach the brain. This can help to give relief from toothache. Pepper is the best ingredient for all parts of the body. It can rid of a number of problems in the body.

For toothache relief pepper using way:

  • Take pepper grains
  • Make grains into a paste by adding few drops of water.
  • Apply this paste on effected tooth
  • It will give pain for a few minutes, but later it will give relief from toothache.

Precaution: Do not use this paste for kids. Because they will not at all handle hot pepper paste.

  1. Black Pepper

Black pepper is also best ingredient for getting relief from toothache. Black pepper majorly consists Piperine. Piperine is a chemical compound used in a number of medicines and natural products for pain relief. In these products few are for toothache problems too. Here we have a natural remedy to get rid of toothache problem permanently.

Main Needs are:

ü  Black pepper powder

ü  Salt

ü  Water


  • Add black pepper powder and salt.
  • Mix well by adding few drops of water.
  • Keep it for a few minutes to settle down.
  • Apply pepper paste to tooth and gums gently.
  • Leave it for a few minutes to take off the ache.
  • Repeat the same process daily for better result.

Tip: Black pepper oil available in the market. Take few drops of black pepper oil and rinse gently on the tooth. Leave it for a few minutes. Wash with lukewarm water.

  1. Apple cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is rich in anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This apple cider vinegar purifies and detoxifies the teeth and rid of the fungal and bacterial infection in the teeth. Pectin in ACV helps to pull out the toxins from the mouth and it helps to avoid the bad smell from the mouth.

Major needs:

ü  Apple cider vinegar

ü  Cotton Ball


  • Take apple cider vinegar in a bowl
  • Dip the cotton ball and let it soak well
  • Put the cotton ball in the effected teeth area.
  • Keep it for a few minutes.
  • Repeat the same procedure for thrice in a day.

Tip: If the ACV is not available at home. Instead of ACV take normal vinegar and soak the cotton ball in it. Put it on effected teeth are to get relief from toothache.

6 Home Remedies To Get Relief From Toothache02

  1. Raw Potatoes

Raw potatoes are the best coolant for the body. It is the old remedy which mainly used for pain and overheat as well for toothache. Potatoes anti-inflammatory property absorbs the pain from the teeth and give relief to that area. When a fungal infection formed in the tooth it will increase by the moisture. By placing potato on that area, it will absorb the moisture and give relief.

Usage process:

  1. Take one potato and peel off and cut into slices. Take one piece and hold it on toothache area.
  2. Take one potato piece and add some salt or pepper and keep on toothache area.
  3. Paste potato and add salt and pepper. Keep it on tooth aching or fungal infection area in the mouth.

All the natural remedies which suggested above are for only get relief for low level toothache only. If the pain is severe or nerves are open up or heavy fungal infection, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

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