6 Home Remedies To Reduce Double Chin

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6 Home Remedies To Reduce Double Chin

Double chin is nothing but it is a layer which forms around the skin with subcutaneous fat. It sags the skin and looks become pale and fatty. There are few best remedies to reduce the double chin problem.

Double Chin Reducing Home Remedies

Home Remedies

  1. Vitamin E foods

Vitamin E is the best beneficial nutrient to the skin. It increases the skin elasticity so that skin does not sag. Double chin is a sagging skin with subcutaneous fats creates wrinkles around the chin. By taking vitamin E content rich food can reduce the sag and increase the elasticity. Here are few best food factors that contain vitamin E in high levels.

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Barley, rye, legumes, beans, soya beans
  • Wheat germ oil
  • Dairy products
  • Brown rice
  • Sweet corn
  • Nuts, peanuts
  • Liver
  • Apples

These foods can take directly to absorb vitamin E or else can apply orally on skin like doing massage gently.

  1. Massage with vitamin E oil:

Massage with vitamin E oil will give the best result. It regenerates the area of double chin with proper blood circulation. Vitamin E oil reduces the puffiness in that area, gradually decrease the double chin. Here is the way to do the massage.

Material needed: Vitamin E oil (can extract from vitamin E capsules)

Procedure: Take vitamin E oil in to the palms and apply gently on the double chin area by rubbing. Spread over the area evenly. Do rubbing with thumbs. Place thumbs on chin and do rubbing in upwards to down wards direction for few minutes and later in reverse direction.

do the massage for few minutes and leave it for few hours. Do the same procedure twice a day to get the best result quickly. Double chin will disappear.

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  1. Massage with Wheat Germ Oil:

Wheat germ oil is extracted from the germ of the wheat. Wheat oil is high in octacosanol (which is a 28-carbon long-chain) which is rarely found in vegetable waxes. It is loaded with vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B, magnesium and phosphorous and at most vitamin E in rich quantity. Wheat oil will helps to prevent the sagging skin and makes skin tighten. More over this is reduces the double chin and melts the fat content. Follow the procedure to massage,

Do the following method:

  • Take wheat oil
  • Massage chin and neck thoroughly in a proper direction like up to down wards and after few minutes down to upwards before going to sleep
  • Massage with wheat oil for 20 minutes
  • Leave it for whole night
  • Repeat the same procedure for few days to get good result quick.
  1. Cocoa Butter:

Cocoa butter is the best anti-oxidant property and most of the part in it included with skin softening moisturizer agents. With a very low fatty acid content and highly exposure for skin elasticity increasing. It can hydrates skin.

Procedure for applying cocoa butter to decrease double chin,

  • Take 2-3 tbsp of cocoa butter in a bowl.
  • Rub smoothly on double chin and around the neck.
  • Massage gently in a proper direction like up to downwards or down to upwards.
  • Massage gently for about 20 minutes before going to sleep.
  • Keep it whole night to absorb by the chin and wash in the morning.
  • Repeat the same procedure for few weeks to get best result.
  1. Egg white for chin tightening:

Egg white is rich proteins loader. It is the best anti aging for skin tightening. It can removes the sagging skin and also can use for various skin problems. Even it is one of the ingredients in beauty products. Applying egg white like face mask can give the best result. Also bring skin glow and whitening.

Get the following ingredients,

  • Take 2-fresh eggs white only
  • Toned milk – 1tbsp
  • Honey – 1tbsp
  • Lemon juice- 1 tbsp
  • Peppermint essential oil- 2-4 drops only

Follow the procedure,

  • Mix well all the ingredients which we taken and whisk well
  • Now the egg white face mask is ready
  • Apply this face mask mix to face and double chin
  • Leave it for about 45 minutes to dry well and it can regenerate the cells
  • Wash with like warm water.
  • Try to do the same procedure twice in a week.
  1. Glycerine mask

Glycerine is the most preferable moisturizing agent. It is commonly used for moisturizing the skin in winter season and it is also well known as glycerol. It is also used in number of moisturizing beauty products. Pure and highly refines glycerine can use for extreme skin tones and probably it is the best product for all kinds of beauty products. It can also improve the skin tone and increase the level of glowing skin. Not only increasing the skin tone, it goes deep levels of the skin layers and develops the cell growth rapidly. Sagging skin avoids by applying glycerine. Double chin can be rid of by applying glycerine in a proper manner. Let us see the procedure and the basic ingredients for the procedure.

Get the ingredients,

  • Glycerine – 1 tbsp
  • Epsom salt – ½ tbsp
  • Peppermint oil – 2-4 drops
  • Cotton pad


  • Mix well glycerine and Epsom salt and Peppermint oil
  • Soak the cotton pad in the mixed solution
  • Apply this solution to double chin
  • Apply in a proper manner, in first 10 minutes do from upwards to downwards and later 10 more minutes in downwards to upwards
  • Leave it for 30minutes
  • Wash off with water
  • Do the same procedure at least thrice in a week.

These are the basic home remedies which we can do easily and the applying procedure is also easy to do. Proper manner of doing any of the above procedure will give the best result. Keep avoid eye contact while applying any of the above procedure. For better result do the procedure few more minutes as well as exercises fro chin can be help full to avoid double chin.

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