9 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dark Lips

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9 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dark Lips

Black colored or dark lips are the main brain eating problem especially for woman. It happens due to lack of problems which supports good colored lips. Some cases it happens due to smoking and environment pollution too. Not only these two but number of factors included in darkens lips. High dosage of caffeine in the food and exposure of sun and UV rays, some allergic issues are major factors. Harmonic imbalance also leads to darken the lips. It tends to renew the lips normal stage become drastic. But by following some simple remedies can also rid of darkness from the lips.

10 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dark Lips

Rosy shiny lips are more attractive thing of a woman and it elevates the strength and confidence. Lips colour is the main exposure of personality. Way of appeal and projection mainly includes in lips. Applying lipstick or some lip balms may not the proper way to show shiny and glorious lips. Let us see some best home remedies to prevent and to avoid dark lips.

  1. Lemon with Honey

Add 1 to 2 table spoons of lemon juice to 5 table spoons of honey. Mix it well and apply the mixture to lips gently. Cleanse lips after one hour. Do the same procedure for 2 to 3 times. It will show the best result. Citric acid in the lime can reduce the pigmentation. Nutrient values in honey gives the nourishing the skin and makes the glow in the skin. With the combination of these two gives the result by removing dark tone in lips and improves the shininess.

  1. Glycerine

Glycerine is a viscous and oily, moisturizer in nature. Most of the beauty tips added with glycerine. Glycerine also used for brighten the darken lips. Apply glycerine gently on lips. Keep doing this for few times a day. In few days can observe the change in lips.

  1. Beetroot

Beetroot is the best root vegetable with number of benefits in it. It can improve the blood levels in the body and lower the health risks by taking regularly either solid state or in liquid state. This is the best home remedy to improve the tone of lips. Take a piece of beetroot, scrub on lips gently for 5 to 7minutes. Later leave as it is for few minutes (around 20 to 30minutes) to soak the juicy part of the beetroot. This will change the lips colour in to pink. Keep on doing daily will give the pinkish lips.

  1. Water

Water is the best source of accumulating nutrients to the body and it is also helping full to give bright and glorious lip tone. Most of the people neglect to drink a lot of water. Due to this reason body gets dehydration problem. It is also cause to darken the lips. By drinking water which is in a specific quantity will improve the lip colour and gives glow.

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  1. Almond Oil

Almond oil is also the best oil for number of health problems. It can use for different kinds of health reagent and regenerator of body stiffness. Almond oil can reduce the pigmentations. By applying almond oil to lips before going to sleep will give the best result. The whole night of sleep can regenerate the lip tone and improves the lip colour and avoids darkness on lips.

  1. Cucumber Juice

Cucumber juice mostly prefer in summer, because it is the best coolant to the body. This is also best pigmentation remover. Cucumber juice will help to lips darkness removing. Soaking cucumber juice on lips and keeps it for few minutes and later cleans it. By doing the same procedure daily will show the best result.

  1. By Avoiding harmful lip creams and products

Most of the people prefer lip products when the lips get dark. But it is not suggest able at all to using lip products, it will give temporary result, but in long run it will not give the best result. Artificial products consist of chemical compounds which ruins the lips natural colour. If want to use lip products prefer to use natural and herbal products and fruit content products. These products will not harm to lips and it will show definite result on lips.

  1. Lemon

Lemon juice contains citric acid in high quantity. It will give the result on lips to rid of darkness. It is the best natural bleaching agent. It is using traditionally for pigmentations and body parts. There is a best procedure to apply on lips and to get the best result.

  • Apply lemon juice on lips and scrub gently on lips. Do the same procedure about 1 to 2 months for better result.
  • Take a lemon piece and scrub on lips gently for few minutes and by adding little bit of sugar on lemon piece and applying will give effective result. Do the same process for 2 to 3 weeks for better result.
  • Mixture of lemon juice, glycerine and honey with same quantity improves the lips colour and removes the darkness of the lips. Do the same procedure for best result for few weeks and apply gently on lips. This mixture helps to prevent darken lips and improves the lip done and gives the shine to the lips.
  1. Rose flower

Rose flower petals are used in different types of beauty products as the main ingredient. Rose flower is the best soothing and moisturizing material to the skin. Is can use internally or externally. Rose water is also best for improving skin tone. Few procedures to improve lip colour with rose flower are

  • Pure rose water with honey mixture will give the best result. Apply rose water and honey mix on lips gently for few minutes. Do the same process for 2 to 3 times a day, will show the result.
  • Rose petal paste and butter mixture is also best remedy for lips. Equal quantity of both materials and mix well and apply gently on lips. Do the same way 2 to 3 time a week for good result.
  • Soak the rose petals in cow milk. After an hour add ½ tbsp of honey and crush the rose petals and some saffron. Apply this mixture on lips and keep it for around 15 minutes. Do it twice a day. Within few days the result will appear.

These are the best home remedies with result oriented and experimentally proven the result. Most of the materials are used majorly in beauty products. So all the remedies are help full to improve the colour of the lip.

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