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The most healthiest and sweet full and gives the rich valued vitamins and carbohydrates to the body is Sweet potato. Sweet potato is a root vegetable, belongs to Convolvulaceae family, which is related distantly to potato family. It color in different variants, it differs with the soil where it extracted from, most of them are light maroon and few are orange peels and some are light brownish color.


Camote is very rich in vitamins and delivers carotene. It is the best source for Beta-carotene and it has high source to increase the blood levels in the body by producing Vitamin A. Especially this is more than enough to extract Vitamin A to children. 3.5 Ounces of sweet potato can give approximately 100-1,600 micro-organisms of vitamin A, it is the best part in it and it is very help full for children growth. For adult it fulfils around 35% Vitamin A requirement to the body. Most of the cases Camote added food is sufficient for acquiring Vitamin A. Recently scientist proven that, Sweet potato have the anti-oxidant properties and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties are the best healing properties, when they pass through the digestive system they can lower the free radicals and clears the obstacle made by heavy metals in the body and also free the oxygen radicals.

Grabbing vitamins and minerals, nutrients can be easy. By eating raw sweet potato is the best way and also by cooking it also, can eat. There are number of recipes available with sweet potato. Depends upon the taste and way of taking sweet potato may vary in its nutrient values. Scientists discovered the nutrient values and proteins calorific values, the table shows it in figure,

One medium sized Camote (200grams) baked can give 180 calories.

Nutrients Value in %
Vitamin A 212.9%
Vitamin C 52.3%
Manganese 49.6%
Copper 35.3%
Vitamin B6 33.6%
Pantothenic acid 35.5%
Biotin 29.5%
Potassium 27.2%
Fiber 26.5%
Vitamin B3 18.4%
Vitamin B1 17.5%
Vitamin B2 16.2%
Phosphorus 15.5%


These details open the facts that the advantages made by this sweet potato. This was also approved by WHO (World Health Organization). Benefits with sweet potato producing nutrients are a lot. Few of them are listed below,

  1. Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 is rich in sweet potato and more over that vitamin B6 is the mandatory need in regular diet. It well supports the body system functionality and keep on maintains the functionality of the body parts. Balances the chemical changes done in body. Majorly it prevents the Heart attacks.
  2. Vitamin C: Vitamin C is also much important in our daily life. Stabilizing the body and acid formations and digestive system functionality as well as Kidneys functionality majorly depends upon C Vitamin. Lack of vitamin C in the body may cause serious health issues and causes failure or lowering the functionality of digestive system and cell formation in the blood. It also avoids dizziness and gives glorious skin tone, prevents From Cancer.
  3. Vitamin D: Mainly it prevents from immune problems. It plays key role on Bones, energy, skin, nerves and teeth.
  4. Iron: Sweet potato also contain Iron, which helps mainly to improve haemoglobin and play role in perfect blood circulation system. Decreases the stress levels in the body.
  5. Best source for Magnesium: Magnesium much useful to the body to release anti-stress minerals and relaxation.


Not only are the above benefits with the sweet potato, but also it a complete pack of all kinds of nutrients which are help full to the body. It has major and most significant facts. Have a look on that, simply these are very useful.

Blood and Sugar Regulator

Most of the people assumes that sweet potato increases the sugar levels in the blood and there is no useful nutrients to control sugar levels. But that is not true, Starchy and root vegetables are also help full to decrease the sugar levels in the body. One medium sized potato can give around 7grams of fiber and this fiber level much more effective on sugar regulatory system.

Even Type 2 Diabetes can also regularize by this sweet potato. Insulin metabolism is the main factor in our body to perform chemical reactions in between cells and digestive system. Sweet potato can produce adiponectin protein which is help full to this digestive system and this can regulates digestive functionality and improves the consumption of excess fat in our body, this tends to decreasing of sugar levels in body and mainly it can effect on type 2 diabetic also. So, it is definitely suggest able for diabetic patients also.

Potential Benefits Of Sweet potato

Additional to the existing health benefits with sweet potato, there is a significant use found by the researchers recently. It can produce anti-bacterial and anti-fungal glycosides. It can give the best glycoside batatins, which are initially classified as batatin I and batatin II, Later they found three more, batatin III, Batatin IV and batatin V.


These are the common facts which are more help full to body. Sweet potato other benefits are described as,

ü  It is the world’s healthiest and best food. It can give the sufficient nutrients to the body per serving. This statements are given by North Atlantic Human Research center.

ü  It is the best anti aging.

ü  Rich fiber contents in sweet potato will increase the body immunity system and anti aging and anti-fungal bacteria.

ü  Iron content in the sweet potato, increase the blood circulation and nervous system.

ü  Best and healthy carbohydrate generator to the body. Low fat content per serving.

ü  Beta carotene and luteins are the best anti-oxidants to the body.

ü  Reduce the bad cholesterol in the body and melts the heavy fat contents.

ü  Vitamins and minerals in high levels.

ü  Unnecessary heavy metals can exhort from the body, like lead, mercury, arsenic etc, without damaging any tissues in the body.

Finally, Sweet Potato (Camote) is the best in all aspects and it is suggested by the doctors. It the good news for the diabetic patients to eat happily. It is the best health balancing and controlling food. Avoids all kinds of problems in the body like, digestive system, blood circulation, filtering, maintaining kidney functionality and preventing from Cancer, Heart attacks etc.
Tags:SWEET POTATO,SWEET POTATO tips,Health tips of SWEET POTATO,SWEET POTATO benefits,ehealthy tip,skincare tips,Latest skincare tips,weight loss tips,latest health tips,weight gain tips,fair skin tips,Home remedies,home remedies for weight loss tips,ehealthcare tips,yoga tips.

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