Affordable Care Act For Health

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The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is considered to be one of the most radical health care moves in legislation after Medicare.

Today the uninsured population in the United States is a major problem. Individuals who lack private or public health insurance are referred to as uninsured.
Throughout most of the 1990s, when the economy was rapidly growing and competition for workers was high, the number of uninsured increased by about one million a year. Being uninsured in the United States has a major impact on the U.S. health care delivery system.
Health insurance is a key that provides access to high quality health care and consequently to better health. People who lack health insurance are more likely to lack a usual source or provider of care, to spend more on health services, and to experience more problems without treatment, quality of care, and continuity of individual and family care.
As the new healthcare law takes effect insurance premiums are expected to rise. Each and every citizen(uninsured) should carry health insurance. This helps uninsured citizen would qualify to buy new insurance plans in the market.
Individuals seeking to buy health insurance as mandated by the Affordable Care Act will be able to check out and sign up for private health insurance plans offered by federally-run health care exchanges in 36 states.
The Affordable care act is more extensive insurance coverage for everyone, but women has much more advantages compared to men. Women now pay $1 billion more than men each year for the same health plans in the individual market.
47 million women will gain access to women’s health services, including preventive and wellness services. By 2014 women and their families, as well as small businesses, would get tax credits on an income-based sliding scale to help purchase insurance coverage.
This certainly help individuals who earn up to $43,000 per year and up to $92,200 for families of four.
Some of the good benefits for women which are covered listed below
  • Well-woman visits.
  • Gestational diabetes screening that helps protect pregnant women from one of the most serious pregnancy-related diseases.
  • Domestic and interpersonal violence screening and counseling.
  • FDA-approved contraceptive methods, and contraceptive education and counseling.
  • Breastfeeding support, supplies, and counseling.
  • HPV DNA testing, for women 30 or older.
  • Sexually transmitted infections counseling for sexually-active women.
  • HIV screening and counseling for sexually-active women.
  • Mammograms and Colonoscopies
 Tags: Affordable Care Act,Affordable Care Act in US,Affordable Care Act for Health,Affordable Care Act terms,Affordable Care Act for you.Health Tips,Ehealth Tips,Daily Health Tips,Doctor Health tips,Home remedies,Homeremediesplanet,Health tips,Daily Health tips


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