5 Natural Home Remedies For Skin Pigmentation

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Best and Natural Home Remedies for Skin Pigmentation

Skin pigmentation differs in humans. Number of elements cause to change in skin pigmentation. Due to environmental problems, food and other elements are many causes for this. Skin pigmentation depends upon melanin which is produced by special cell in the body called melanocytes.

5 Natural  Home Remedies For Skin Pigmentation

Pigmentation ranges vary depends upon the category which type it belongs to. There are three major categories in pigmentation: Pigmentation, hyper pigmentation and underpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation due to too much of pigment and underpigmentation due to low pigment and normal pigment goes under balanced pigment for longer time. There are a number of natural remedies to reduce pigmentation marks from the body.

  1. Strawberry for skin pigmentation marks

Strawberry if the natural and best fruit to avoid a number of health problems. The strawberry has a very rich anti-oxidant values and astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties are the best anti aging for the skin pigmentation. A strawberry is also rich in alpha-hydroxyl acid that makes to get rid of dead cells from the skin. This leads to skin glow by projecting active cells in dead cells in place. A strawberry is also rich in Vitamin C, it is the best element to rid of wrinkle and makes the skin younger and glowing. Adding strawberry in regular diet will give more result to rid of pigments and strawberry pulp mask is also useful to rid of. Here is the best strawberry mask,


  • Take 3 tablespoons of strawberry pulp and add one tablespoon of lime juice to it. Mix well and apply this on the pigment area skin.
  • Keep it for 15 minutes and later wash with lukewarm water.


  • Take some strawberries.
  • Mash them and make it paste.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of honey and mix well and apply on face and other affected area.
  • Keep it for 20minutes and wash it with lukewarm water.


  • Take ½ cup of ripe banana and strawberry mix
  • Add ¼ cup of yogurt and 1 tablespoon of honey
  • Apply to the affected area after mixing well
  • Keep it for 15-20 minutes and wash with lukewarm water


  • Take one strawberry and cut into 2 halves.
  • Take one half and rub gently on affected area.
  • Do it for 5 to 10 minutes and wash with lukewarm water.
  1. Almonds for rid off pigmentation

Almonds are rich in Vitamin E. Vitamin E is the best antioxidant. It can neutralize the harmful UV-rays and helps to repair such damaged skin. This is the one of the best and oldest remedy to get rid of hyperpigmentation. Almonds bleaching property helps like a good scrubbing agent. Almond mask gives the best pigment erosion and give the glowing skin.

Almond mask preparation scenario,

Take this,

ü  Almonds – One cup

ü  Water

ü  Milk – 2 tbsp

ü  Honey — 2tbsp


  • Soak the almonds in water whole day/night
  • Paste the almonds by adding milk
  • Add honey
  • Apply this on pigmentation skin
  • Leave it for 30 minutes
  • Wash with lukewarm water
  • Repeat the same procedure daily for better result.

5 Natural  Home Remedies For Skin Pigmentation01

  1. Orange Peel

Orange peel or powder is the best source of skin problems. It can also rid off the pigmentation marks. Most of the people after eating orange they use to trash the orange peel, but now it is also the best skin remedy ingredients to rid of pigmentations. It is also avoiding from the UV-rays projection of skin.

Orange peels Mask preparation procedure,

ü  Take orange peel powder -3tbsp

ü  Milk – 3tbsp

ü  Honey –2tbsp


  • Add honey and milk in orange peel powder
  • Make a paste
  • Apply this paste on face or other pigment areas
  • Leave it for an hour
  • Wash with lukewarm water
  • Repeat the same procedure daily to get good results
  1. Tomato-Oat meal

The tomato is well known natural fruit for healthy living. The tomato is rich in Vitamin c and Vitamin E. These 2 are the major elements for skin glowing and to avoid UV-rays projection on skin. Most of the people aware to know about the tomato and its advantages. Oatmeal is one of the best food to consume for healthy living. Its exfoliating agent provides good nutrients to the skin. These two are the best agents to rid of the pigmentation marks from the skin.

Major elements required for this,

ü  Tomato – 2

ü  Oatmeal – 2tbsp

ü  Yogurt – ½ tbsp


  • Extract the tomato juice
  • Add oatmeal and yogurt to tomato juice.
  • Apply the mix on affected area
  • Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes
  • Wash with lukewarm water
  • Repeat the same procedure for 4-5 weeks.

5 Natural  Home Remedies For Skin Pigmentation02

  1. Olive oil for skin pigmentation

Olive oil is also the best aging agent for skin. Adding olive oil to the food and other salads are the added ingredient for skin and health. Olive oil is the best anti-inflammatory property is good for health and gives the best nutrient values to the skin. It works as the best

Olive oil with its excellent anti-inflammatory properties and good fats is an effective remedy for hyperpigmentation marks on the skin. Olive oil not merely hydrates your skin healthy, but also even out your skin tone by reducing pigmentation.

Olive Oil massage is the one of the best resource to Reduce Skin Pigmentation.

  • Take ¼ cup of olive oil and rub gently on the pigmented area skin for 5minutes.
  • Take one clean towel and soak it in hot water
  • Drain the excess amount of water and keep the cloth on the area where massaged.
  • Be conscious before keeping towel that should not be much hotter.
  • Keep it until the towel temperature will be normal.
  • Now remove the towel and leave the pigmented skin.

This method slough off the dead skin and gives the way to the newer spotless skin. It is better to take virgin olive oil for better result.

These are the best natural remedies to rid of pigmentation marks on the skin. For hyperpigmentation do the same procedures as many times as possible. To rid of such hyper marks the only way is applying until getting good result.

Tags:Skin Pigmentation,Skin Pigmentation remedies,Skin Pigmentation issues,Skin Pigmentation tips,Skincare tips,Health tips,Ehealthy tips,Daily Health tips,Skin Pigmentation avoid tips,Regular tips Skin Pigmentation,Skin Pigmentation cause.

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