4 Home Remedies To Preventing Nasal Congestion

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Preventing Nasal congestion

Nasal congestion is nothing but blockage of nasal passage. Nasal congestion is also referred as nasal obstruction, blockage of nose, stuffy nose or plugged nose. Nasal congestion not only block the nose, but when it puffs out strongly all the stuff which blocked in the nose can cause for headache and a lot of disturbance to whole body. Nasal congestion can affect on hearing and speech. Nasal congestion causes to number of health issues like,

  • Allergies
  • Chemical exposure
  • Environmental irritation
  • Tumors
  • Nasal polyps
  • A deviated septum

Preventing Nasal congestion01

Nasal congestion may cause severe problems in pregnancy. Puffing out nasal congestion will increase blood supply in the nervous system. Medicines taking every time are not suggested. Home remedies to avoid nasal congestion will give more help full than taking medicines. There are few home remedies which give the best result.

  1. Saline water to rid of Nasal congestion

The saline solution is the best for rid of nasal congestion. Instead of saline water we can use salt solution. Saline solution highly recommended by doctors for nasal congestion clear. When the saline water passes through the nasal passage pipe, it mixes with saline water and comes out along with the saline water through your swollen membrane system.

To do this the basic needs are,

  • Lukewarm water – 1cup
  • Salt – ½ tbsp
  • Drop piller

Way of procedure,

  • Mix ½ tbsp of salt with lukewarm water until it dissolves completely
  • Take drop piller and fill it with salt water. Before using ensure that the drop piller clean and not before used for any other purpose.
  • Tilt your head a little bit before pouring solution.
  • Drop the solution by facing nostril upwards slowly.
  • Keep it for 30 seconds to go saline solution deeply and it mixes with dirt.
  • Now keep down your nostril going out the solution with mixed dirt.
  • Repeat the same procedure to clear the nostrils.
  • Don’t swallow the solution to inside, it may create difficult to breath and make little bit warm up to the face to avoid unexpected problems.


  1. Eucalyptus oil steam for relief

Steam can help to reduce the congestion in nostril. Inhaling steam with Eucalyptus oil is also one of the solution to relief nostrils. Adding Eucalyptus oil to stream water will help to increase the power to relief from the nostril congestion.

The basic needs to take for this steaming procedure,

  • Hot water in a bowl.
  • Eucalyptus Oil – 5-6 drops.
  • Towel


  • Take hot water in a bowl.
  • Add Eucalyptus oil 6- 7 drops in hot waters.
  • Lean forward way your head over the bowl, keep some distance.
  • Take the towel to cover your head, so that the steam does not go out.
  • Now inhale the hot steam coming from the bowl.
  • Do the same process for 5 to 10 minutes and take a break for few minutes and repeat the same process again for 2 to 3 times.
  • After doing the same process for 2 to 3 times, it will give relief to the nostrils.

Preventing Nasal congestion


  1. Orange Juice to relief from nasal congestion

Synephrine is the chemical agent which exists in mandarin oranges. This will helpful for relief from the nasal congestion. Shortness of breath can be exhaled by the similar compound which is named as Ephedrine. Synephrine used in many pharma products which are major sub agents for relief nasal and its relevant issues. It is a natural decongestant. Citrus content fruits extract helps to reduce the nasal congestion vessels. Recipe preparation and its basic requirement as follows,

  • Orange (peeled) – 1
  • Lemon (de-seeded) – ½ tbsp
  • Apple (chopped) – 1
  • Fresh ginger root (peeled) – 1 inch piece
  • Cayenne – a pinch


  • Chop the apple and ginger.
  • Place the peeled orange and apple, lemon and chopped ginger in juicer.
  • Make the juice with all these.
  • Take the juice in a glass and sprinkle cayenne a little bit over on it.
  • Have this juice.
  • Actually juice while drinking seems strong, if unable to sip, add one more apple to reduce the strangeness and have it.


  1. Taking Spicy food to rid of Nasal Congestion

Spicy food taking is also best home remedy to get rid of from nasal congestion. Inflammation in nerves makes the nasals to get rid of from the congestion. Spicy ingredients like pepper, chili, Black pepper and spicy curries with added these ingredients to decrease the nasal congestion. Inflammation reagent ingredients are mostly working to stabilize the nerve of nasal congestion. So better to take spicy foods to regulate the nasal system.

The basic recipe which can show better result to rid of nasal congestion,

  • Prepare a soup with meat or vegetables with lot of spicy ingredients. Muslty add black pepper.
  • Make hot and spicy gravy curries.
  • Add black pepper or spicy chilies to your favorite salads.
  • Add Cayenne pepper to your juices.
  • Add black pepper to your tea or milk, whatever you drink.
  • Take precautions before taking spicy foods and salads. More spiciness in the foods may affect on health. So better to consult before taking such spicy foods.

These are the basic remedies which give you complete relief from nasal congestion. It will help to most of the people to get rid of from nasal congestion. While taking be sure that the ingredients and the way of preparation will not show you side effects. This is the basic problem suffering a lot.

Continuous bed rest at that time may increase the level of nasal congestion and moreover it may create breathing problem. Most of the time, try to avoid taking sleep and keep doing the any above process to rid of as early as possible. Most of the time avoid projecting on sunlight and avoid dust environment. Take lukewarm water to drink and take all the foods and drinks in warm state only. Have a healthy and fitness..

Tags:Nasal congestion,Nasal congestion issues,Nasal congestion preventins,Nasal congestion remedies,Nasal congestion home remedies,Tips for Nasal congestion,Health tips,Latest health tips,Home Remedies,Weight Loss tips,Weight Gain Tips



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