10 Best Health Benefits With Onions – Onions Home Remedies

Home Remedies
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10 Best Health Benefits With Onions – Onions Home Remedies

1.Most  of  people   only  know  that  onion   is   to make  dishes   to  bring   taste  to  food.  But   very  few  people  know   that   its  has  very   good  health   benefits.    Onion is  a  Asian  herbs ,   its has  natural anti-inflammatory, antihistamine and the perfect anti-oxidants.  It is    good  for   health  and  it  gives    long   healthy  life    if  your  added in daily  diet.

2.Onions  are  rich  in numerous  organic sulfur compounds   These compounds   have   a wide range of health and  life  benefits.   Onions   are  loaded   with anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and  sulfur-compounds that can wreak  havoc on the most stubborn “bugs” that can make you sick.   It  have  natural ability to fight off unwanted bacteria,  parasites and yeast.

3.Onions  Consists  of  Sulfur Rich  Compound  –  The sulfuric content of onions facilitates the melting of phlegm in a patients  who    suffering from severe coughing.   By taking  Fresh onion juices  for patients who  lose consciousness, because the aroma and inhalant qualities of onions bring immediate vigor and energy into people.

4.Some   health   benefits   of  Onions   like   Prevents   Diabetes   its   Gives  healthy   and  Glowing  Skin,  Improves    Immunity System ,  Prevents  from    cancer ,  Relieves  from stress, Lowers  your  Cholesterol, Lowers   your  blood  pressure , Improves  your  digestive  systems , Reduce  blood  sugar  levels, stimulate  hair  growth, Treats  Cholera,   Maintain bone  health.

5.Onions are rich in Vitamin C and other  antioxidants, which  will   help  to increase  your  body  Immunity, Antioxidant   are  important  in  our  diet to  prevent  cancer  and minor  illness.  Onions  treated  as  Low  GI and  Low  GI   foods   discharge   their   stored  energy slowly in to  the body   once  they are  consumed.   By  Eating  Low  GI   food  we  can  reduce  the  weight  and  we  feel  like  fuller  for  long time . so    make it  surely   Low  GI food    in our  daily   diet.  By   Eating   Onions daily helps  to  digest  food  and  increases  your appetite and guard against  the gastric ulcers and  stomach  cancers.

6.Onions  are  great  food  for  tummy and  for  digestion.  Onions   also  relieves   the  stomach aches   its  has  Anti-inflammatory and  antibacterial   properties   that you  relief  from   stomach upset and  gastric related  problems.  In  onions  contains  saponins   these  saponins  have  anti-spasmodic capabilities  and  that  ensure  that   stomach disturbance will  not  continue and  that  your bowels  are  clear and   functions  properly.

7.Anti- inflammatory  also  helps  those  who  suffer from joint  pains  and  arthritis.  But  it  not  limited  for   betalain   those who have  swollen  joints. All  this   disease  is  rooted  in chronic   inflammation. So  every  one should  have   food  which  contains   properties of   anti – inflammatory.

8.Vitamin B6 , chromiumand the sulfur compounds found in onions  its   decrease cholesterol and  lower  your  blood  pressure   its  lower  the risk  factor  of  heart  attack and  stroke. Onions  are   helpful to us a  cancer  fighting   food.

9.The  phytochemicals in onions can help you be well rested. Eating onions in your evening meal is the key. Onion s  with  tomatoes  or  onion  soup  will give  better  sleep in  night . Onion  juice  rubbing  on On  scalp  for  some   weeks  may  promote  the  faster  hair   re growth.  Onions   can also  use  as   home  remedies  for  Acne,  warts, bruises , wounds , injuries,   by rubbing  or  applying   by  onion juice.  Onion s have  high  fiber, which maintain  the  good   healthy  and  regular   digestive system, its  prevents  the  digestive  pains  and   breaks the food   and keep it  moving.

10.Onions   are  also  very  beneficial   for  women  who are at a  risk of   osteoporosis.   Who are  suffering  with hip  fracture  in menopausal   will lowered the  risk  through  regular   consumption of  onions.  Its  have ability  of   building   connective tissue and  bone  health  to  a newly  identified  substance  in it  called  for  growth of   plate  chondrocytes  (GPCs)  as  a study  as revealed.

More Health Benefits With Onions

To   Prevent   Diabetes   – An  onion  contains  27%  of   biotin   DRI.  Biotin has  so many  positive   strong  effect  on your  health ,  which   fights  symptoms  of     diabetes  type  2.   Combination of   Biotins  and  Chromium   might  help  to   regulate  blood   sugar  and  decrease  the   insulin   resistance  also suggested  in    early  research. onions   contains    chromium and  its  helps  to manage the  blood  sugar  level  ensure   a slow  gradual  release  of  glucose  to the  muscles  and  the  body cells, eating  onion is  very  important  to diabetic  patients its  helps  to  modulate  your  blood  sugar levels. By  Eating  red   onions  it will   lower  glucose   levels   for  up to  four  hours  those  who have   type 1 and  type  2 diabetes.

Gives  healthy   and  Glowing  Skin  -Onions   helps  in  circulation of blood in the mucous membrane. Onions are also notorious anti-inflammatory  vegetables, so  the  active compounds in onions can reduce the  redness and swelling that is commonly associated with skin like   acne.  Its   also  reduce  the pain related  like  gout  and  arthritis.   Here   is  one good home  remedies  for  acne, bruises, wounds,  take  onion  juice  mixed  with  honey  or  olive  oil   and  apply  it.    Onions   contains   biotin   it is  a   important  for  maintaining   healthy  skin. It  is  used  to treat   Brittle  nails,  prevents   hair loss
(Research  is  ongoing  as to  its  effectiveness  in this  regards )and  maintain  skin health.

Improves  your   immunity  Strength  : Onion  has vitamin C and  Phytochemicals  its  increases  the  immunity  system  strength  with   more  effectiveness of  Vitamin c   in your  body.  When   eat  Onions, Its  Supercharges   your    immune systems  against   toxins  and  various  foreign  bodies  that  can  lead  to  disease and illness.

Prevents  cancer   :   Onion   can  also  prevent   cancer  its  has   plant  Flavonoid   (  other  word   Quercetin  or  plant   pigment)     that   have   potent  antioxidants ,  which  can fight   cancer  causing  radicals . These   free   radicals are chemical compounds  that damage cell membranes and  cause  death.  Onion  has   antioxidants   which  can  protect  from  you  against  cancer by  reducing   the  DNA  damage  in  Cells   caused   by free radicals . Onion  and  onions   relatives   like  ( garlic ,   spring  onions,  chives ,leeks, and  scallions)  these   are  rich  in  organosulfur compounds  are  help to  prevent  cancer  shown in   animals  Lab.  Onions   extract  was   found    to  destroy    tumor  growth   when  tumor  cells were  implanted  in  rats. Onions  extracts  is forty  times   high  dose   to kill  a   tumor  cells .

Onions are rich in active compounds   that  successfully  inhibit the development and spread of cancerous  cells.  The  very  powerful  antioxidants   compound  is   Quercetin   these  will consistently  linked  to  prevention   or reduction of the spread of cancer,  they have   heavy  of  amount  Quercetin.

The  strong  antioxidant  Vitamin C  which can  decrease the  presence  and   impact  of  free radical  throughout  the  body.  Radicals are the chemical byproducts of cellular metabolism, and they can cause healthy cells to mutate into cancerous cells.  Any   rich food rich in antioxidants, which neutralize these free radicals  are beneficial for anyone,  Due  to   oxidative  stress  every person is  susceptible  to   internal  attack.

So  use   onions  to  prevents  cancer   which  is  rich in quercetin and  its   works   like  weapon   and  fights with  cancer.

Another   benefit   of  Quercetin   its  helps  to  protect  your   body  from  stress.   When  we  are   stressed  out  our  body   produce  Cortisol and  cortisol  can damage   tissue of  muscle  and  breakdown  proteins  in out  body .  Quercetin    rich in onion   when  we have  stress   for  a long  time  we  can  have   onions  and    Quercetin  suppresses   enzymes required   for  cortisol release.

Decrease the  levels  of  cholesterol  :    we  need  good  cholesterol  to  stay healthy, Raw   onions promotes   production of  HDL.

Lowers   Blood  pressure  :   The  onions  sulfur   which  act   as  natural  blood  thinner  and  it  prevents  blood  platelets  collecting .  it is  good  for   lowering blood  pressure   and  preventing   risk of  heart  attack  stroke.

Here are some  Remedies  with onions :

For   Cholera   :  Grind   About 30 Grams  of  onions  with  5-7 black  peppers .   Take these  mixture     2-3 times   daily .   This   is  good  and  effective   treatment  for  Cholera  and  it  also   helps  to  stop  vomiting and  diarrhoea.

Relief from  tooth aches :
Chewing  Raw  onion  for  two to  three  minutes  could  kill  the  germs  in mouth. And  also  gives    relief from  tooth ache  by  placing  a small  piece  of   onion  on  tooth.

Cold , Cough  & Flu  :  By   Eating   Raw   onion or   take   onion  juice  and   dilute  with water   you  will  better  from cold. The    World   health  Organization    has  recognized  the   onion for its  ability  to  help  relieve  flu  symptoms  like   coughs, congestion respiratory infections  and  bronchits.

For   illness and  pneumonia : chop  the onions  finely  take  the juice  from it  and  mix the   juice  with  1table  spoon of  honey  and  take  daily  2-3 times  in day.

For  hair  growth :   Take  onion juice   and   massage  on  your  scalp for  several  times   in day .

For  skin  diseases :  Rub  onion  juice on skin its  for  2-3 times  in day.

For  Frequent  Urination :  Chop   one   onion and  add a spoon of honey and  pour  with  2 dl  water  and   boil the  mixture den  cook the  onion  with  little  rosemary, 2dl of  water, and  2dl  of  wine.   take  it  1 tablespoon for  every  one   hour.

For  ear  Ache  :   A  few  drops  of   onion juice  through  a  piece  of  cotton  gives   relief  from  ear  ache and  ringing  sound  in the ear.

Tags:Onions,Onions health tips,Onions home remedies,Home remedies,ehealthy tips,Onions benefits,Onions beauty tips,Hair care with Onions,Facial with Onions,Onions benefits,Onions leafs,Onions health cure,Onions remedies,Onions tips,daily health tips,remedies,best Onions tips,skin tips,health and beauty tips,haircare tips

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